Friday Jun 19, 2020
Make Six Cents Great Again - 6CR #77
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
The hiatus is over, season 4 of The Six Cents Report starts now. Darnell & Joel have a short conversation covering
- Are we continuing TYPBST?
- Diversity of listener's favourite and least favourite episodes
- Always looking to improve and grow
- Follow up survey
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Friday Feb 28, 2020
Thanks Coach - 6CR #76
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Thanks Coach is a docu-series launching March 5, 2020 where Darnell interviews various coaches he played for played with and coached. Thanks Coach is a docu-series podcast about the life lessons learned through the player, coach relationship via the vehicle of Canadian amateur hoops. Darnell & Joel's conversation use this new podcast as a starting point and cover the following:
- Episode 00 featuring Darnell's wife
- Coaching & Mentoring experiences
- Last effect of tough love coaching
- Coaching boys, developing men
- Developing a mindset of hard work
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do about It
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Friday Feb 21, 2020
Teachers Like Us: Strike!!! - 6CR #75
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
The hosts of the Teachers Like Us podcast - Alyssa & Andre join Darnell & Joel to discuss a wide array of topics. Their conversation addresses the following:
- Teachers Like Us podcast
- White Privilege
- We Rise Together
- How Andre & Alyssa approach teaching
- How has teacher's hiring process changed
- Why are teachers striking?
- Socialized education & its systemic issues
Related Episodes: 6CR #48 & 6CR #2
1992: Stephen Lewis report on race relations in Ontario
Peel District School Board: We Rise Together Accountability Report
Planned job action by teachers to impact hundreds of thousands of students this week
Ford blames union leaders again as teachers plan week of walkouts
Class Size: What Research Says and What it Means for State Policy
The Class Size Debate: What the Evidence Means for Education Policy
Secondary School Class Sizes and Student Performance in Canada
With twice the debt of California, Ontario is now the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower
Ontarians shoulder provincial government debt—and big chunk of federal debt
Guests contact info:
Teachers Like Us IG: @teacherslikeus
Alyssa IG: @ehgraysway
Andre IG: @iamandre.m
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Friday Feb 14, 2020
The Tipping Point - 6CR #74
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Tipping is intended to compensate for high quality service. Would you believe that tipping is causing Chef's to be underpaid? Darnell & Joel discuss the following:
- Tipping in other countries vs Canada
- Rethink Tipping - 2012 TEDx Talk by Bruce McAdams
- Who creates value for the customer
- Mandatory tipping
- Tipping promotes discrimination
The $100,000 a year waitress isn't a myth: Some hard truths about tipping in Canada
Tipping in Europe: The Europe Tipping Guide
Tipping in Australia: Who should you tip and how much?
What the Ontario minimum wage increase means for you
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Friday Feb 07, 2020
Who Wants to be a Billionaire? - 6CR #73
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Taxing Billionaires appears to be the solution to our problems.The TVO . Darnell & Joel discuss the following:
- Getting paid for the value you contribute vs time
- audio clips from TVO Debate
- Government protecting billionaires?
- How is wealth generated?
- "Taxation is theft"
- Who are these billionaires?
Related episodes: 6CR #12 & 6CR #33
TVO: The Agenda - Should Billionaires Exist? - TVO.org or YouTube
TVO Debates: Should Billionaires be Taxed out of Existence? TVO.org or YouTube
The Real-Time Billionaires List
45 Canadians make Forbes billionaires list
Jeff Deist Talks Ray Dalio and Crony Billionaires
Book to be given away: Economic Principles for Prosperity
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Friday Jan 31, 2020
TYPBST: The Mamba Mentality: How I Play RIP Kobe Bryant - 6CR #72
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
With the passing of Kobe Bryant on Jan 26, 2020, we remember him with an episode of TYPBST discussing The Mamba Mentality: How I Play. Darnell & Joel's conversation addresses:
- Where were you when you heard
- The Mamba Mentality
- Mamba academy
- The agony of defeat is as low as the joy of winning is high
- Motivation
[Nick] Nurse on Bryant's passing, Sunday's eerie game and the play of Pascal Siakam
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Friday Jan 24, 2020
TYPBST: Gay Girl, Good God - 6CR #71
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
TYPBST: Darnell & Joel discuss Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been by Jackie Hill Perry. Their conversation covers the following:
- Why are people gay
- Men are the problem
- Stop Being Gay! - Do you need the gospel to stop being gay?
- Same Sex Attracted Christians
Jackie Hill-Perry "Gay Girl, Good God" Full Interview (2018)
Tim Challies' review of Gay Girl, Good God
Twitter: @JackieHillPerry
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Friday Jan 17, 2020
WWIII - 6CR #70
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
On Jan 3, 2020 the US killed Iranian major general Qasem Solemani in a targeted U.S. drone strike. Darnell & Joel engage in a conversation about their perspectives and understanding of the following:
- Who is Qasem Solemani?
- Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner
- Just War theory vs Pacifist
- Was killing Solemani justified?
- Propery Rights and US military presence
US, Canada vs Iran (40 year old virgin parody)
The Central Details of the Soleimani Assassination
Scott Horton on Trump’s Assassination of Soleimani
Why Not Impeach Trump for War Crimes?
BBC.com: When the US shot down an Iranian airliner
Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 - Ukrainian Air plane shot down flight plan
Patrick Cockburn on Qassem Soleimani and America’s Proxy War With Iran in Iraq
Kibbe on Liberty - Ep 48 | Only Congress Can Declare War in Iran | Guest: Rep. Thomas Massie
U.S. President Barack Obama authorized more than 500 drone strikes.
#IraniansDetestSoleimani #EverybodyCalmDown Truth from an Iranian
#Iran #RaminParsa #IranvsUSA Two Iranians speak on current events
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Friday Jan 10, 2020
The Jokers Wild - 6CR #69
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Joel joined The After Watch for a FULL SPOILER conversation about the Joker film shortly after it's release. Their conversation addresses the following:
- Controversy prior to the film's release
- Mental health and personal deception
- Unique portrayals of characters and aspects of the Batman universe
- Character development
- Themes of the film
- More stand alone Batman character films?
FB post about Ricky Gervais mentioned
The After Watch - Episode 58: Joker - HA HA HA HA HA!
The After Watch contact info:
Twitter: @after_watch
Podcast: The After Watch
Email: Theafterwatch@pm.me
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Friday Jan 03, 2020
2020: Top 5 From the Last 5 for the Next 5 - 6CR #68
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
With the end of the 2010s, there have been many "end of a decade" lists released. Darnell & Joel take a different look at the last decade and comprised their list - the top 5 aspects of the last 5 years that will impact the next 5 years:
5. Raptors NBA Championship
4. Cannabis
3. Climate Change & Student walk-outs
2. Jordan Peterson
1. Bitcoin
5. Raps
Raptors’ championship will have long-lasting impact on basketball in Canada
Toronto Raptors: Long-term impact of winning NBA championship
Could basketball overtake hockey as Canada's national sport?
2015: Canadians do not make up the majority of NHL players this season
Bianca Andreescu Wows Canadians, Inspires Young Tennis Players
4. Cannabis
related episodes: 6CR #10 & 6CR #44
How the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp lost $42 million last year
2019 was a disaster for the cannabis sector — and there might be more trouble on the way in 2020
CEI: Federal Regulations Cost $1.9 Trillion Annually
Tiger Woods arrested on DUI charge in Florida, says alcohol 'not involved'
What Is the Endocannabinoid System?
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007)
Perfect Plant? 7 Great Uses For Industrial Hemp
3. Climate
related episode - 6CR #55
TDSB helps students walking out for climate change
Why Adolf Hitler Was TIME's Man of the Year for 1938 | Time
2. Jordan Peterson
Shut Him Down: The Rise of Jordan Peterson
Video Shows Man Beaten, Car Stolen While Witnesses Hurl Anti-Trump Rhetoric
‘I’m really sorry’: Justin Trudeau admits wearing brownface at 2001 costume party
1. Bitcoin
Distributed Ledger Technology: Where Technological Revolution Starts
Bitcoin Is To Blockchain As Email Was To The Internet
You Don’t Actually Own Your Securities
Land Registry: A Big Blockchain Use Case Explored
Do you know the Uses of cryptocurrency in third world countries?
Wala Was Africa’s Perfect Crypto Success Story – Until It Collapsed
Regulation of Cryptocurrency: Canada
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