Friday Nov 02, 2018
Is Ticketmaster Ripping Us Off? - 6CR #37
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Ticketmaster has been accused of price gouging customers. Darnell & Joel discuss an article from the CBC.ca explaining three pricing "tricks" that Ticketmaster engaged in.
'I'm getting ripped off': A look inside Ticketmaster's price-hiking bag of tricks
- Trick 1: Prices can change any time
- Trick 2: Not all tickets go on sale initially
- Trick 3: Double-dip fees on scalped tickets
Reference Articles:
Price Discrimination on the Part of the Seller
"The best regulator is the market...the competitive market"
Doug Ford halts Ontario anti-ticket scalping law
Ontario to make ticket-buying ‘bots’ illegal, cap markups in scalping crackdown
Canadian scalper's multimillion-dollar StubHub scheme exposed in Paradise Papers
Walter Block - Free PDF: The Case for Discrimination
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Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
The first prime minister of Canada - Sir John A. MacDonald - has received significant criticism as of late. Darnell & Joel are joined by history professor Brad Faught and discuss the following:
- History of church and state in Canada
- Who is Sir John A. MacDonald?
- Relationship between Sir John A. MacDonald and Indigenous Peoples
- Contrasting assimilation of Indigenous People in Canada and the USA
- Late 19th century progress in Canada “necessitates” assimilating Indigenous Peoples
- Current issues facing Indigenous Peoples
- Proper contextual reading of history
Reference Articles:
John A. Macdonald statue removed from Victoria City Hall
City of Kingston seeks public input on Sir John A. Macdonald's legacy
John A, The Man Who Made Us The Life and Times of John A. Macdonald Vol. One: 1815-1867
The Politically Incorrect Guide Series
Dan Carlin - Hardcore History Series
Historical Controversies Podcast
Dr. C. Brad Faught contact info:
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Friday Oct 19, 2018
Church & State - 6CR #35
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
The separation of church & state is engrained in western culture. Is this idea related to the polarizing nature of our public discourse on politics and religion? Darnell & Joel discuss the following:
- Differentiating church & state from religion & politics
- Historical overlap of church & state
- Why is liberty important?
- Non-aggression Principle
- Rights & freedom are necessary for prosperity
Reference Articles:
Separation of church and state
Your Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Relations between the Catholic Church and the state
Politics According to the Bible
Difference Between Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism
The Constitution of the United States
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Friday Oct 12, 2018
Free Speech University - 6CR #34
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ontario is requiring tax payer funded colleges and universities to develop their own free speech policy based on the University of Chicago Statement on Principles of Free Expression. Darnell & Joel discuss the various aspects of free speech:
- free speech laws in Canada vs USA
- accountable for your free speech
- restrictions on free speech: Canada's hate speech laws
- safe spaces
- society needs competing ideas
- are Christians hypocritical on free speech
Reference Articles:
John Carpay: Ontario starts the hard work of returning free speech to universities
Upholding Free Speech on Ontario's University and College Campuses
Your Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canada’s law on hate speech is the embodiment of compromise
Exposure to different points of view is at the core of higher learning
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Friday Oct 05, 2018
Generational Wealth & Race with Seun Adeyemi - 6CR #33
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Seun Adeyemi of SA Capital joins Darnell & Joel to discuss the following aspects of financial planning:
- Inheritance and Probate Taxes
- The value of creating a will
- Wealth vs Poverty
- Life Insurance
- Financial Stewardship & Literacy
- Investing & Saving
Reference Articles:
Lack of inheritance tax is making inequality worse, think-tank study suggests
Merrilee Boyack on Getting Your Estate Planning Figured Out
Seun Adeyemi contact info:
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Friday Sep 28, 2018
Traditional Sports vs eSports - 6CR #32
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
There is speculation that eSports will surpass traditional sports in the not so distant future. Darnell & Joel discuss their experience with gaming and traditional sports. The conversation covers the following:
- will eSports eclipse traditional sports?
- valuable lessons learned from traditional sports
- dangers of excessive screen time & isolation
- boys developing into men
- learning to process embarrassing experiences in sports
Reference Articles:
This is Why:Canada's eSports scene is set to explode
Take a look at the average American gamer in new survey findings
Praxeology: The Methodology of Austrian Economics
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Friday Sep 21, 2018
Libertarian Principles with Tim Moen - 6CR #31
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Tim Moen, the leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada joins Darnell & Joel to discuss libertarian principles and Maxime Bernier. The conversation covers the following:
- Who is Tim Moen?
- Libertarian ideas, inalienable rights and non-aggression principle
- Skepticism as means to finding libertarian ideas
- inclusive nature of libertarian community
- Tim's history with Maxime
- Does Maxime have a Trump's chance at becoming Prime Minister?
- Differences when communicating with convervatives and liberals
Tim Moen discussing party merger (post interview): A Merge? Let’s Do This!
Reference Articles:
Ep. 1194 Why There’s No Point in Not Being Radical: Libertarian Strategy with Tim Moen, LP of Canada
Tim Moen: MY Letter to Young Libertarians
Tim Moen contact info:
FB: Tim Moen
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Friday Sep 14, 2018
Evolution of Racism - 6CR #30
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
On Aug 16, 2018 at rally in Quebec, Justin Trudeau dismissed a heckler as racist. Classifying someone as a racist has become a way to dismiss their opinion from public discourse.
Darnell & Joel discuss the following:
- Merits of Justin Trudeau calling the heckler a "racist"
- Comparing race rhetoric of Trudeau and Trump
- Defining racism
- Eliminating racism
previous related episodes: 6CR #28, 6CR #24, 6CR #3
Reference Articles:
audio clip played: Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calling a heckler racist.
What happened when Justin Trudeau was heckled in Quebec
Canada and Saudi Arabia arresting protesters
Canada criticizes Saudi Arabia over another jailed female activist
Canadian immigration minister admits asylum system in crisis
Justin Trudeau is Far More Dangerous Than Donald Trump
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Friday Sep 07, 2018
Trinity Western Denied Law School Accreditation with Deina Warren - 6CR #29
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Trinity Western University lost their appeal for law school accreditation by the Supreme Court of Canada on the basis that the school's community covenant denied equal access to the legal profession. Deina Warren acted as co-counsel with Derek Ross for the intervener Christian Legal Fellowship in this appeal. Deina joins Darnell & Joel to discuss this case. The conversation covers the following:
- Trinity Western's Community Covenant
- Historical context for getting to the supreme court
- 2001 Court Case for Teacher's College Accreditation re: Covenant
- Unprecendent behaviour by the Supreme Court and its representatives during the case
- The law being used as a sword instead of a shield
Reference Articles:
Trinity Western Loses law school appeal at Supreme Court
Trinity Western and the Endangerment of Religious Pluralism in Canada
The TWU decision is a blow to diversity
Your Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Deina Warren Contact info:
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Friday Aug 24, 2018
Racial Profiling in the Name of Equality - 6CR #28
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Accusations of racism have been directed at a principal from a school in Etobicoke and an NYC private school. Darnell & Joel discuss the following:
- List of black students distributed in Etobicoke school to track “achievement gaps”
- NYC private school segregation of students
- Toronto's Africentric Alternative School
- Institutional Racism
Reference Articles:
Father files human rights claim after discovering 'black list' of students in Etobicoke school
Posh school’s plan to segregate students by race draws parents’ ire
Africentric Alternative School
Institutional Racism defined in CBC.ca article and Mises.org Article
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