Friday Aug 17, 2018
Real Solutions to Gun Violence with Dr. Joseph Smith - 6CR #27
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Dr Joseph Smith from Generation Chosen joins Darnell & Joel to discuss what his organization is doing to address the needs of those most vulnerable in our society and consequently prevent gun violence. The conversation covers the following:
- Why youth turn to the black market and guns
- How Generation Chosen is involved in the community
- Emotional intelligence and root causes of "bad behaviour" in school
- Mental health
- Government solutions vs non-profit solutions to gun violence
Previous episode on guns 6CR #21
Reference Articles:
City of Toronto studies why youth turn to guns
Toronto gunman had ‘severe mental health challenges,’ according to family
Remaking the Future | Education in African Countries is Crucial to Our Survival
Ford wants some mental health funding to go to police in wake of Danforth shooting
Toronto gunman had ‘severe mental health challenges,’ according to family
Toronto’s history of gun violence: a vicious cycle of missteps, intransigence and bad policy
Generation Chosen Contact info:
Generation Chos3n GoFundMe Campain
IG: @gen_chos3n
FB: @GenChos3n
Twitter: @GEN_CHOS3N
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Friday Aug 10, 2018
Canada's Universal Healthcare - 6CR #26
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Universal healthcare is apparently a human right. Darnell & Joel discuss the following aspects of "free" healthcare in Canada
- Structure and History of the Canadian Healthcare System
- How do we pay for "free" healthcare
- Successes and failures of Canada's Healthcare
- Prices communicate value
- Providing Healthcare for the impoverished
Reference Articles:
Tom Woods show #1194 with Tim Moen (leader of Libertarian Party of Canada)
Ontario Government 2018/2019: Composition of Revenue vs Composition of Expenses
Ludwig Von Mises - Economic Calculation Problem
Price Theory Explains the Opiate Crisis
A Four-Step Healthcare Solution
What Ontario’s changes to OHIP+ tell us about the future of national pharmacare
5 Pharmacare Questions and Answers
Generic drug industry agrees to cut prices up to 40% in 5-year deal with provinces
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Friday Aug 03, 2018
Summer Jobs & Ideology Requirements - 6CR #25
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
The Canadian government has added an ideology attestation to receive funding for summer internship grant. Darnell & Joel discuss the significance of the government requesting organizations to affirm a set of beliefs regarding abortion and transgender identity. The conversartion includes the following:
- Fairness of the ideology test
- Society's morality is subjective & the problems with legislating morality
- Impersonal charity via government vs volutary charity
- Summer job grants is the government circumventing minimum wage
Reference Links:
Government Examples of Organizations denied eligibility
87 religious leaders ask Trudeau gov’t to drop summer job pro-abortion pledge
Global News: President of Canada Christian College attacks PM @JustinTrudeau
What the US Can Learn From Portugal's Drug Decriminalization
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Friday Jul 27, 2018
Morality & Immigration - 6CR #24
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
The morality of an immigration policy is not as simple as the media potrays. Darnell & Joel discuss the current illegal immigration crisis in the US. The conversartion includes the following
- Romans 13 & God's sovereignty
- pro family & children or just anti-Trump
- welfare state and open boarders
- analysis of recommendations for Canada
previous episode on immigration 6CR #3
Reference Links:
Milton Friedman - Illegal Immigration - PT 1
Milton Friedman - Illegal Immigration - PT 2
Foreign Policy - Immigration (Ch. 12c Pt. 3 of 3) - Dr. Wayne Grudem
Migrant children in the US: The bigger picture explained
What we can do for separated migrant children in the U.S.
Injured veteran that questioned Trudeau during Edmonton town hall says ‘enough is enough’
AP FACT CHECK: MS-13 Gang Arrests at Border Are up This Year
Cops warned to watch for violent MS-13 gang members
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Friday Jul 20, 2018
Samuel Sey Part 2 - 6CR #23
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Part 2 of the interview covers the following topics with Samuel Sey:
- Disparities
- Oppression
- Abortion
- P.K. Subban and the NHL’s White Way
- Hockey Culture
- Interracial Relationships
Part 1: Samuel Sey Interview
Reference Links:
Canadian Centre for Bio-ethical Reform
Pentagon Paid NFL Teams to Thank Troops at Games
There Are Two Kinds of White Supremacists
Samuel Sey Contact:
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Friday Jul 13, 2018
Black Panther Q&A - 6CR #22
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Our most succesful episode from season 1 was Wakanda Forever? and consequently we received a number of questions from listeners. Darnell & Joel address the following listener questions:
- Is it possible to be a pan-Africanist and a Christian at the same time?
- Why was Killmonger's attempt to liberate black people from white oppression so appealing to some black people?
- Can you please elaborate on the principles of the African diaspora and it's impact on the Black Psyche?
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Friday Jul 06, 2018
CA Gun Law vs US Gun Law - 6CR #21
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Gun violence and gun control are highly debated issues. Darnell & Joel discuss:
- the differences between Canadian and American gun laws
- self defense
- over politicization of this issue
- need for productive conversation
Reference Articles:
Is gun ownership a legal right in Canada?
Liberals lag in gun control promises, mass shooting survivors say
British Politicians Declare War on Knives
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Friday Jun 29, 2018
Samuel Sey Interview - 6CR #20
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Joel & Darnell interview Samuel Sey regarding his blog post: Moses or Marx?
Samuel Sey Contact:
Reference Links:
"Moses or Marx?" on Wretched Radio
For the full interview, message us on Facebook, Twitter or via email sixcentsreport@gmail.com
Friday Jun 22, 2018
York University Strike - 6CR #19
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
York University and CUPE 3903 have history of employment strikes. Darnell & Joel discuss who's at fault for the most recent strike.
Reference Articles:
York University on strike: Why it keeps happening again and again
Arbitration is the only answer to ‘clash’ in York U strike, says labour report
There is no end in sight for the latest York University strike. Here’s why
York university strike: Confusion on campus
Top seven reasons why unions matter – a conversation with young workers
Unions ignore long history of excluding minorities from jobs
Labor Unions and the Negro:The Record of Discrimination
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Friday Jun 15, 2018
Voting Pt 3: Principles over Promises - 6CR #18
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
The results of the Ontario 2018 election are in - Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives win majority government, NDP are the formal opposition party and the Liberals lost party status. Darnell & Joel give there thoughts and answer some listener questions.
FB post Joel referenced in the intro - NDP voter challenge
Question 1 - How would Doug Ford be able to cut costs without cutting jobs? What are the benefits of saving and cutting costs?
Question 2 - What are the counter arguments to the listener's rational for voting NDP?
Question 3 - What is the fundament role of government? Why is it problematic for the government to see themselves as the solution to the problem?
Reference Links:
Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Ontario, 2017
Beware of politicians talking of government waste
NDP admit to annual $1.4-billion costing error
Tim Hudak 2013 PC party platform
Common Sense Revolution - Mike Harris
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