Monday Jun 04, 2018
Voting Pt 2: Principles over Platforms - 6CR #17
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
The 2018 Ontario provincial election is on June 7, 2018. Darnell & Joel use the principles established in the previous episode - Voting part 1 - to analyze three components of the party platforms:
1. Taxes/Deficits
2. Childcare
3. Education
6CR #10: Cannabis Legalization
Reference Links:
Globe & Mail: Ontario election guide
Macleans: Ontario election 2018 platform guide
Reality Check: Is Ontario’s debt really that bad?
Ontario launches plan to teach high school kids financial skills
Child Care and Early Years Act
Economist Don Boudreaux quotes:
"The best regulator is the market...the competitive market"
"If your spending other peoples money it is easy to spend"
Fred Swaniker - education in the 21st century
6CR #2: Ontario's Full Day Kindergarten Program
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Friday Jun 01, 2018
Voting Pt 1: Principles over Politics - 6CR #16
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
In Ontario, we have a provincial election on June 7, 2018. Darnell & Joel use the Canadian Federal system to discuss how they view voting and the principles they use to analyse political parties.
Reference Links:
Three Levels of Government in Canada
Left vs Right - Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations - pg 119-120
Authoritarian vs Laissez-faire / Libertarian
How crushing is Ontario’s $312 billion debt?
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Friday Mar 02, 2018
Wakanda Forever? - 6CR #15
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Black Panther's success forced the addition of one more episode in season one. Darnell & Joel discuss aspects of the Black Panther movie & the city of Wakanda to draw out some real world conclusions. The conversation focuses on:
- The political structure of Wakanda
- Wakanda using the economic advantage that vibranium provides to help bring progress to others
- Two perspectives on how black people view themselves T'chala (Statist) vs Killmonger (Pan-Africanist)
- The morality of an ethno state like Wakanda
Reference Articles:
Darrell Harrison on Race vs Ethnicity
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Friday Feb 23, 2018
Q&A - Slavery in Libya - 6CR #14
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Darnell & Joel address a number of questions from listeners in response to our conversation on Slavery In Libya. The questions cover the following:
- Racialized groups committing racism
- Arabs enslaving blacks
- The race of enslavers are not being discussed
- Strawmanning & Steelmanning
Reference Articles:
Rubin Report Intro - MLK quote
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Friday Feb 16, 2018
Does Everybody Deserve Affordable Housing? - 6CR #13
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Jordan Peterson questions Kathleen Wynne's claim that everybody deserves affordable housing. Darnell & Joel discuss the merits of Kathleen Wynne's statement, specifically focusing on the terms "deserve" and "affordable". The concept of affordablity leads to a discussion about high energy costs in Ontario and the current housing boom.
Jordan Peterson's quoting and responding to Kathleen Wynne's Tweet
Reference Articles:
Dictionary definition of deserve
"Property rights...are in fact the most basic of all human rights" - Murray Rothbard
Electricity cost has almost double in the last ten years
High cost of renewables—a made-in-Ontario problem
Ontario energy minister admits mistake with green energy program
Ontario’s flawed electricity system subsidizes neighbouring jurisdictions
Milton, Ontario population more than triples from 1996 to 2016
Scotiabank Mortgage Calculator
Industrial Revolution - 1760 to 1840
Green Revolution - 1930 to 1960
Property: Key to Self-Determination
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Friday Feb 09, 2018
Minimum Wage - 6CR #12
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Minimum wage in Ontario is going up to $15 / hr. Darnell & Joel discuss the arguments for and against minimum wage and breakdown the Tim's Vs Wynne scenario.
Why a $15 minimum wage is good for business
Reference Articles:
All you need to know about Ontario's minimum wage hike
Tim Hortons heirs cut paid breaks and worker benefits after minimum wage hike, employees say
Kevin Libin: Kathleen Wynne gets help from Timmies in attacking small business
the average Hortons store owner pockets in a year: $265,558
Missed out on the $60 10 GB cellphone plans? Experts bet more deals are coming
The Importance of Capital Accumulation for Economic Growth
A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
Problems with the Cost Theory of Value
Various Economic Theories of Value
The Impacts of Minimum Wage Increases on the Canadian Economy
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Friday Feb 02, 2018
Black Experience Project - 6CR #11
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
In July 2017, the findings from the Black Experience Project were released. Darnell and Joel discuss the problems identified and solutions recommended by the report.
Reference Articles:
CBC feature of The Black Experience Project
Predatory Lending - Institutional Racism example - Suits Season 7 Episode 10 (ep102)
"Minimum wages were first designed to keep women and minorities out of jobs"
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Friday Jan 26, 2018
Cannabis Legalization - 6CR #10
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Cannabis will be legal in Canada for recreational usage as of July 1, 2018. Darnell & Joel discuss how this law change will be implemented and what the various impacts will be.
Here's What Canada Could Look Like When Marijuana Is Legal
Reference Articles:
Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis
Marijuana and the developing brain
Dispensary in Toronto closing and re-opening
Al Harrington wants to help NBA see benefits of medical marijuana
Scientists Still Seek A Reliable DUI Test For Marijuana
Libertarian Approach to Cannabis Legalization
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Friday Jan 19, 2018
Canada an Education Super Power? - 6CR #9
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Canada's education scores are declining but the BBC still refers to Canada as an education superpower. Darnell & Joel discuss the status of Canada's education and the merits to the BBC's claim by contrasting with a response article from the Huffington post.
How Canada became an Education Superpower
Canada Has Homework If It Wants To Be An 'Education Superpower'
Reference Articles:
Why Common Core math problems looks so weird
Student Loan Subsidies Cause Almost All of the Increase in Tuition
Equal Opportunity VS Equality of Outcome
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Friday Jan 12, 2018
Social Justice - 6CR #8
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
What is social justice? Darnell & Joel discuss the origins of social justice, how this concept influences society and some of the recent manifestations.
Reference Articles:
Social Justice - Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie
Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism
"Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy"
“It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost.”
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